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Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 new Innovative technologies for developing countries

1. E-Smart Device for Rural Education 
 This innovation tries to reduce illiteracy by using a smart device that is embedded with applications to teach them the basics of education like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. More

2. Energy Recovering Stove

Using TEG (ThermoElectric Generators) the radiation heat loss for thermal energy sources is recovered. For instance, the heat passing through the TEG can be used to boil water which is further passed through a radiator producing heat and distilled water. More
3. Air Heat with Solar Energy

The new approach in this system is by vacuum evaporation of water, the latent heat of vaporization of water comes from the atmosphere. The vapor is heated further in solar collectors whose size is now reduced because of the vacuum evaporation. This contributes to efficiency and reduced costs. More

4. A Self-sustaining Mosquito Larvae Killer 

The innovation here is to kill mosquito larvae at the source; in the water where they live. Using a
device powered by solar cell, mosquito larvae that float at the surface of the water are sucked in a chopped up. The killed larvae are released back to water to feed the fish. More

5.  Eco-friendly Sanitation Technology 
Using a semi closed system soda ash is added to flash water to kill pathogens and reduce odor. Using only two spoons of soda ash the Ph can be raised to desired level and adding once a week it could be sustained at that level. The solid waste is separated from liquid waste using a series of screens and gravitational sedimentation to produce a sludge which can be dried and used as fertilizer. More

6. Household Water Treatment System 

The system uses bio-sand filters, chlorination and safe storage to produce clean water at low cost.More

7.  Solar ORC Co-generation for Under-served Areas

ORC, organic Rankine cycle is particularly advantageous because of the low latent heat of evaporation of organic fluids and hence less energy required to run the cycle. Areas  of innovations include low cost collector design, the optimization of HVAC components as expander-generators, and the controls that enable autonomous operation of the plant at small scales in remote areas. More

8.  Sustainable Solar Cookers

The manufacturing of the stable parabolic solar cooker involves much cost. This innovation tries to develop cheaper cookers by using different materials of construction and operation. For instance, self-opening parabolic mirror is made of conventional double woven fabric will be kept in position by using flexible stringers and the sun radiation is collected by using a reflecting foil, covering the surface. More

9. PVC Rain Water Collector
Rain water conservation method applicable to urban, suburban and rural residences. This innovation bases on passive water collection system using industry size PVC pipes. More

10. Solar Oven with Heat Storage
Solar cookers depend on solar radiation to cook food when the sun is available. This limits the use of solar cookers to only the day time. The use of phase change material with parabolic collector is not sufficient for activities like cooking that require more than 200°C. Therefore, a small scale double-reflector concentrating solar system with PCM heat storage in temperature range 230 – 260 °C is developed and analyzed for cooking application. More

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